I'm visiting my family at home in Canada at the moment, and whenever I make it over to this side of the world I love to investigate new kids' products on the market, especially skincare. Canada has a hotlist of chemicals banned in personal care products to keep the cosmetic industry aware of new substances the health department considers inappropriate for cosmetic use. On the list are toxins such as sulfates, and preservatives such as formaldehyde that pose enough of a risk that products with these ingredients are either prohibited from being sold, or require hazard labeling. The Australian Government website has a chemical information factsheet listing the risks of industrial chemicals to human health and the environment.

When you compare this to the personal care industry standards in Australia, it's interesting to note that there is no guide for manufacturers with regard to what cannot be used in products in Australia. As a parent and consumer, I find this alarming. It's one of the reasons I started Itty Bitty Greenie, and it's also why I try to keep up to date with the latest international research on chemicals in personal care products - especially those formulated for children.

I know I'm not alone in my concern for children's exposure to toxins, and recently one of our suppliers, WotNot, started The Clean Bum Crusade calling for legislation to mandate that all ingredient information be displayed on cosmetic and personal care packaging in Australia, and an immediate ban on those chemicals already banned in other countries until an assessment can be done.

The crusade aims to gain enough support to change the regulations surrounding the manufacture of baby skincare products in Australia. If you pledge your support online, you also have a chance to win one of 2000 WotNot baby wipes travel cases.

In the meantime, Itty Bitty Greenie will continue our efforts to help parents make informed choices about their skincare choices for children by sharing our research, and also by listing all ingredients used in the skincare products we offer in our online shop.

By Donna MacMullin

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